Welcome to My Homepage!
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( Ph.D candidate in ECE ) Wichita State University
2120 N. Old Manor #302
Phone:(316) 689-0205
>> Do you want to know about me?
I was grown up in young-ju, Korea. Until gradulating the high school,
I lived in my home town with such a great nature and friends. I could
have a good chance to develop my self since I entered the college in Chang-won,
Korea. I made and organize a goup, called midas, for
English conversation with lots of students who are very crazy for English.
The activities in the marshal art club, Tae-Kwon-Do, was one of
the best momorable things that I ever got. Though the very tough training
for 2 years, I passed the test for the 1st degree black balt. When
I became senior, I decided to go to U.S.A for another challenge. I've got
a admission from Wichita State University and changed my major
to communications. Right now I'm strugling with NOISE~~~. Did you get it?
>> Education backgroud.
Bachelor's in Electircal Eng.
GPA: not bad !
Chang-won National University
Chang-won, Kyung-nam
Master's in Electrical and Computer Eng.
GPA: come on!
Major: Wireless communications
Wichita State University
Wichta, KS
in Electrical and Computer Eng.
GPA: are you serious? call me!
Wireless communications
Wichita State University
Wichta, KS
>> Research area.
3G CDMA with Smart antennas
Algorithm development and analysis.
S. Song and Hyuck M. Kwon,
“Analysis of a simple smart antennas for cdma wireless communications”,
(IEEE VTC’99 Houston, Texas, May ’99)
Yoo S. Song and Hyuck M. Kwon,
“Analysis of a simple smart antennas for code division multiple access
wireless communications”,
(IEEE CIC’99 Seoul, Korea, Sep ’99)
Yoo S. Song, Hyuck M. Kwon, and Byung J. Min,
“smart antennas for 3G and future generation code division multiple access
wireless communications”,
(IEEE International Conference on Phased Array Systems and Technology Dana
Point, CA, May ’00)
Yoo S. Song, Hyuck M. Kwon, and Kyung Y. Min,
“Adaptive array with adaptive convergence parameter for CDMA wireless communications”,
(IEEE CIC’00 Seoul, Korea, Sep ’00)
Yoo S. Song and Hyuck M. Kwon,
“Analysis of a simple smart antennas for code division multiple access
wireless communications”,
(IEEE Jounal of Selected Area on Communications'00, submitted)
Yoo S. Song, Hyuck M. Kwon, and Byung J. Min,
“Simple smart antennas for 3G and future cdma”,
(IEEE Jounal of Selected Area on Communications'00, submitted)
Yoo S. Song, Hyuck M. Kwon, and Byung J. Min,
“Computationally efficient Smart antennas for cdma wireless communications”,
(IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ’00, accepted)
Industry experience.
Summer Internship, NeoReach Inc (5/’00 ~ 8/’00)
(“Innovation for the 3G Wireless Wave”)
15725 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855
Algorithm development, analysis, and computer simulation for the uplink
- Transmitter: Coding, Rate Matching, Interleaving, OVSF Code, Long Code,
Shot Code, Root Raised Cosine Filter, etc.
- Receiver: Frequency Offset, PN Code Searcher, Chip Timing Tracking, Channel
Estimation, Signal-to-Interference Measurement, etc.
>> Academic experience.
Research Project Assistant, Raytheon Aircraft (’00)
Wichita State University, KS
Developing adaptive algorithms
– improve the tracking capability of direction of arrival (DOA) signal
angle of moving mobile with adaptive convergence parameter.
Research Assistant, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (’99 ~
Wichita State University, KS
Analysis of adaptive antenna arrays (Smart Antennas) in CDMA 2000 (3G)
wireless communications
– developing adaptive algorithms, propagation modeling, and analytical
and simulation results for capacity, link quality.
Graduate Grading Assistant, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(’97 ~ ’98)
Wichita State University, KS
Graded courses
– Electric circuits, Signals and Systems.
Research Project Assistant, SK Communication Ltd. (’98 ~ ’99)
Wichita State University, KS
Power control and channel estimation of the fading signals in CDMA wireless
communications applied into Smart Antennas
and developing adaptive algorithms.
Speaker for Graduate Seminar, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(’98 ~ ’99)
Wichita State University, KS
“Analysis of simple Smart Antennas in CDMA wireless communications” (fall
“Performance comparison of Smart Antennas with adaptive algorithms under
different environment scenarios” (spring ’99)
“Analysis of Smart Antennas for 3G or the future generation CDMA wireless
communications” (fall ’99)
Computer Lab Assistant and Monitor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(’97 ~ ’98)
Wichita State University, KS
Helping computer Lab users to access network, use soft wares, print out
papers and take care of all other computer equipment.
English Conversation leader, MIDAS Club (’95)
Chang-won National University, Chang-won, Korea
Group discussions, Listening skills, Compositions, and Grammar study for
Yoo S. Song and Hyuck M. Kwon.
"Method for Beamforming using Adaptive Algorithms for Smart Antennas"
USA Patent disclosure pending, USPTO Provisional Application Number 60/164,552,
filed on November 10, 1999.
Yoo S. Song, Hyuck M. Kwon, and Kyung Y. Min.
"Adaptive array with adaptive convergence parameter for CDMA wireless communications"
Filed on August, 2000.
>> Skills.
Languages - Highly experienced in C, C++, MATLAB, and html
Systems - Windows NT 3.x / 4.x, windows 3.x / 95 /98/2000, Unix / Linux
Tools - SAS, MATLAB, PTOLEMY, MATHCAD, MS Word, SAS / Excel / Power Point
Social activities.
Student member of IEEE
Vice president of Korean Student Association, Wichita State University
Management in Korean Student Association, Wichita State University (’98)
President of Youth Member in Korean Methodist Church, Wichita, KS (’97
~ ’98)
Leader of ‘DASOM’ Praising Band in Korean Methodist Church, Wichita, KS
1st Worship and Praising Service at the Korean Methodist Church, Wichita,
KS (Mar,28,’99)
Member of the Choir at Korean Methodist Church, Wichita, KS (’97 ~ present)
Sunday School Teacher in Chang-won Church, Changwon, Korea (’94 ~ ’96)
Member of Tae Kwon Do club (’92 ~ ’95)